"Live by God's Every Word"  Ma 4.4


Schedule & Information

Each year there is our annual Mid-America Prophecy Conference. In between this big Conference are Prophecy Retreats, generally held twice a month. These are open, free meetings (we do provide the opportunity for free-will offering.)

EXAMPLE: We have studied The Book Of REVELATION...chapter by chapter...  the same with Daniel, Ezekiel, Zechariah, etc... also " Prophecy In The Words Of Jesus"... and thematic studies such as "The Signs Of The End Times", "Current Events In Prophecy", "The Russian-Islamic Invasion Of Israel" (Eze 38-39), "The Millennial Kingdom", "Heaven", "Angels", "How We Got Our Bible", and many more--We will revisit all of these, and more... JOIN WITH US--NO COST.


         "The SIGNS of the TIMES"

(as clear as the weather signs, Mat 16:1-4)

DATES for 2024

Sep 5, Oct 3, Nov 7, Dec 5

(easy to remember FIRST THURSDAY of each month unless notified otherwise)

 Eastwood Baptist Church, (enter the door with the Hispanic Church sign)           

 949 S. 91st E. Ave.       

 (11th St. between Memorial & Mingo)

 Tulsa, OK
 Doors open at 6pm--coffee and snacks. 

Study starts at 6:30pm.

These studies are non-speculative, short on "sensationalism," long on solid-BIBLE... bring your Bible and expect warm fellowship (snacks, coffee-tea) and plain-stated study made easy to understand by Graphic Power Point visuals.

ALL VIDEOS for the 2021 through 2024 Conferences are now up on the PARTNER-PORTAL page for Partners Only...

please contact us to become a PARTNER bibleprophecyaswritten@gmail.com

EXAMPLE...The 14th Annual


May 26-27, 2023 "WINDS OF CHANGE"



"...the four winds of heaven were stirring up

the great sea...of nations who rush on like the

rumbling of mighty waters...of many peoples

who roar like the roaring of the seas...But He will

rebuke them...For I, the LORD, do not change..."

(Dan 7:2; Isa 17:12-13; Mal 3:6)


The WINDS OF CHANGE are sweeping across the world.

History-breaking fundamental CHANGE.

Change challenging the core laws of Creation itself.


"And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and burst against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded upon the rock. (Ma7:25)


"Trust in the LORD forever, For in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock." (Is 26:4 )